- Get every single hug and kiss in that we can- currently enjoying this
- Go to Dinner and a movie- done and done
- Text and call whenever we want to without being charged an arm and a leg- loving this
- Have SUSHI and experiment with all new kinds of fish- Three sushi dates under our belts in the first month- great success
- Catch up on How I Met Your Mother and Entourage
- Fall in love with new shows together- ummmm... every heard of The League? and Jimmy Fallon. Actually this is fun because we are introducing each other to new shows!
- Go to McDonalds and get 50% off when he wears his uniform- In all honestly, I just can't see us doing this
- Have a lazy day watching movies in our PJs- if lazy = slightly hungover :)
- Wake up to the smell of his home-made Chocolate Chip Pancakes- I'll never get enough of this
- Have a wedding food-tasting day to decide what will be served at the wedding! - TOMORROW!
- LOTS of Country Concerts!
- Take a picture of Andrew with his cardboard cut out clone- We actually did this over leave, and it was creepy, but awesome
- Trips to Boston
- ... and eating at Fire & Ice- (still planning these two)
- Watching Andrew catch up on all that missed time with his nieces and nephews- one of my favorite things to do! "Uncle AJ! Watch this!" "No, Uncle AJ, look at me!" Ah they can't get enough of him!
- Pick out wedding bands (jewelry, not musicians)- soon
- Long rides in the truck with nowhere in particular to go, just talking and singing along to country music- still remains one of my favorite passtimes
- Motorcycle rides on winding back country roads in the springtime- springtime, dead of winter... same thing, right?
- Getting the motorcycle out of the apartment.... - GIANT check mark in that box!
- Celebrate every 2012 holiday together- not sure I remembered that Andrew is in the ARMY when I wrote this...
- Finally become a family on August 4, 2012- love
- Road trips to explore new cities
- Maybe go to Indianapolis for the Super Bowl- I thank the Good Lord that we did not do this. I don't think my heart could have survived such dispair.
- Dinners at Chili's started off with Kickin' Jack Nachos- "Chachi's"
- Red Sox games
... as always, this list is really never ending. Lots more to add than I can ever think of in one sitting