The Return

There is nothing that helps time to go by faster than always having something to look forward to! So here is my our list of homecoming to-dos!! (please don't judge us if most of these things revolve around food)

  1. Get every single hug and kiss in that we can- currently enjoying this
  2. Go to Dinner and a movie- done and done
  3. Text and call whenever we want to without being charged an arm and a leg- loving this
  4. Have SUSHI and experiment with all new kinds of fish- Three sushi dates under our belts in the first month- great success
  5. Catch up on How I Met Your Mother and Entourage
  6. Fall in love with new shows together- ummmm... every heard of The League? and Jimmy Fallon. Actually this is fun because we are introducing each other to new shows!
  7. Go to McDonalds and get 50% off when he wears his uniform- In all honestly, I just can't see us doing this
  8. Have a lazy day watching movies in our PJs- if lazy = slightly hungover :)
  9. Wake up to the smell of his home-made Chocolate Chip Pancakes- I'll never get enough of this
  10. Have a wedding food-tasting day to decide what will be served at the wedding! - TOMORROW!
  11. LOTS of Country Concerts!
  12. Take a picture of Andrew with his cardboard cut out clone- We actually did this over leave, and it was creepy, but awesome
  13. Trips to Boston
  14. ... and eating at Fire & Ice- (still planning these two)
  15. Watching Andrew catch up on all that missed time with his nieces and nephews- one of my favorite things to do! "Uncle AJ! Watch this!" "No, Uncle AJ, look at me!" Ah they can't get enough of him!
  16. Pick out wedding bands (jewelry, not musicians)- soon
  17. Long rides in the truck with nowhere in particular to go, just talking and singing along to country music- still remains one of my favorite passtimes
  18. Motorcycle rides on winding back country roads in the springtime- springtime, dead of winter... same thing, right?
  19. Getting the motorcycle out of the apartment.... - GIANT check mark in that box!
  20. Celebrate every 2012 holiday together- not sure I remembered that Andrew is in the ARMY when I wrote this...
  21. Finally become a family on August 4, 2012- love
  22. Road trips to explore new cities
  23. Maybe go to Indianapolis for the Super Bowl- I thank the Good Lord that we did not do this. I don't think my heart could have survived such dispair.
  24. Dinners at Chili's started off with Kickin' Jack Nachos- "Chachi's"
  25. Red Sox games

... as always, this list is really never ending. Lots more to add than I can ever think of in one sitting