Many couples break a deployment into two distinct halves; before R&R and after. Since we have been "blessed" with a very late midtour leave, I find it hard to believe that we will be every categorizing this deployment in the traditional way. I am hoping that by the time Andrew takes leave we may even be lucky enough to have a tentative homecoming date... I say that knowing that it will change a million times, but it would be nice to have a general sense of how about many
weeks (I will refuse to count in months after midtour) we'll have left to go. Probably setting myself up for disappointment on this one, but that's just the point I'm at right now.
The way things have worked out so far, I feel like we will experience two vastly different deployments all rolled into twelve months: literally divided right down the middle. Saturday (as I've told everyone who will listen a million times) marked six months since I wrapped my arms around Andrew, begged for just one more kiss, and watched him walk onto that white bus at Fort Knox. It's hard to believe we're on the downhill side of this, but at the same time, I know we still have a very long road ahead of us. Also on Saturday, Andrew was relocated to a new COP (
Combat Outpost). He is so excited to have moved off of the big FOB and to a smaller base with
ALL American Soldiers! It just so happens that this move took place on the same day of his six month "anniversary" (which, by the way, is a weird way to look at it, but I'm going with it). Communication will be different, his job will be different, his meals will be different, and of course, his address is different (for those of you who are interested in the new address, email me and I'll send it right along).
It will be an adjustment for sure. I am the first to admit that I have been spoiled over the last six months. It is extremely rare for family to be able to talk to their soldier almost every day, even by email. Often times I felt like I was cheating this deployment, because I talk to so many other spouses who are not as fortunate. It's hard to get caught up in the communication aspect of all this when Andrew is so excited for this change, and it is
impossible not to be excited for him! Honestly, the change doesn't really phase me much at this point. I'm genuinely excited for him, plus with the miracles of modern technology (thank you, Steve Jobs) I am able to be reached via any form of communication at any hour of the day just because of my iPhone! I love that little thing!
This move is the answer to countless prayers, and if it means I have to revert back to my ranger school days of waiting weeks for a letter, then so be it.