Thursday, October 13, 2011

Deployment Positive Thursday- Week 39

Another thursday has come and (almost) gone and still no Andrew. He is coming soon but I have no earthly idea when, and it is getting a little frustrating to be quite frank with you.

I think Gavin said it best tonight: "Aunt Tina, dod you know that Uncle AJ better hurry up and come home because I don't think I can wait much longer. I am too excited!"

The brightest part of my never-ending week was a super awesome package Andrew sent home from Afghanistan last month. It was a complete surprise (which is the best, cause anyone who knows me knows I don't exactly have much patience waiting for surprises) and absolutely brightened my whole week. He sent lots of afghan items he bought from local vendors as well as stuff he wanted to have at home at the end of deployment. Let me say that again incase you missed it... The end of deployment! We are actually talking about this whole crazy long year being over!

Also in the box was my birthday box I sent him in June (because he "could bare to throw it away") along with all the birthday cards our amazing family and friends sent him.

So yeah, that boy sure does know how to make me smile and get excited to see him again. Fact of the matter is though that all I really want to do is ride shotgun in his truck flying down some backroad and listening to country music. And yeah, okay, also kind of looking forward to having a real conversation without fear or the taliban listening or our skype signal dying. And as many hugs and kisses as humanly possible. And dinner dates. And eukre. And monopoly deal. And catching up on lots of archer. And drinking. Oh yeah! And we are going on vacation.

Okay, wow I'm officially pumped! Hey US Army! Can you send my soldier home to me now?! I've been waiting a really long time to see him!!!

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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

OPSEC and Ham

I saw this on facebook last night and thought of what perfectly appropriate timing it was. Even if I did know when Andrew was coming home (super dooper soon!) it's safer to keep it to myself. It's nothing personal, but my soldier's safety is absolutely, positively my number one priority.

I am Sam.
Sam I am.
Do you like OPSEC and ham?
 I do not get it, Sam I am.
I do not get OPSEC and ham.
 We must use it here and there.
We must use it everywhere.
You CAN share it in a car.
But you CANNOT in a bar.
You CANNOT share it in a text.
You CANNOT share it at the NEX.
You CAN say it in your house.
But should NOT tell a random spouse.
You CAN say it in the shower.
But do NOT go sharing at happy hour.
DON'T make the Ombudsman sweat.
DON'T post it on the internet.
You CANNOT share it in a tweet.
That would not be very sweet.
Beware of Facebook and Myspace too.
It's tempting to let your feelings through.
You CANNOT tell it to a friend.
NOT even at the very end.
It is a privilege to know a date.
DON'T tell ANYONE or they may be late!
Oh, I get it, Sam I am.
Now I get OPSEC and ham!
I will not tell anyone.
I will keep hushed until they're done!
I will not tell him or her.
I will not tell my dog with fur.
I will not tell my child's teacher.
 I will not tell any creature.
Thank you, THANK YOU, Sam I am.
Thank you for clearing up OPSEC and Ham!!!

But the fact of the matter is that nobody on God's green earth knows exactly when Andrew will be home. I suppose it is better that way, but it's driving me stark-raving mad knowing that soon my favorite person in the whole wide world will be mine, all mine for two full weeks!

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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sunday Smiles

Andrew posted this picture to his facebook page a few weeks ago, but I really wanted to share it with those of you who don't have facebook. 

I love this picture, it completely and totally warms my heart. I truly have no other words...

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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Deployment Positive Thursday- Week 38

Well I'm finally back home after a long week in Philadelphia for a work event. Events always drag every last bit of energy out of me so I am really really looking forward to this weekend. I am slowly recovering from my recent baseball heartbreak, but I don't know that I will ever completely get over that one.

This week I received an email from our unit's FRG (family readiness group) that filled my heart with joy. I was at a bar with coworkers and some of our exhibitors from the event when I realized a had gotten an email. I don't know what made me check it right then, but I started tearing up almost immediately. It may seem little to some people, but to me it is the very first step in the homecoming process. Not R&R, homecoming. This small, seemingly meaningless step just reassures me that this WILL eventually come to an end. I WILL see that boy again soon. And things WILL return to normal. Our new normal, and we can finally start our lives together.

So, what is this step? Our do-not-mail date! I can't believe it!! We have an actual, physical date that I can (and did) mark on my calendar that I can no longer send packages to Afghanistan any more! I cannot express the emotion that came with that email. This has been such a long road, and it has been challenging at times, but my God, the end is finally in sight.

As you may know, posting specific dates for anything regarding troop movement or redeployment (aka coming home) strictly violates OPSEC. Soldiers' safety is always the number one priority, but I'd be more than happy to tell anyone who asks/emails/texts me!!

So as I head to bed (early for once) I will leave you with this picture of my favorite soldier:


Andrew emailed me this picture this afternoon of his day today. "Training today....I like this picture, cause I think it shows us doing what we should be doing, preparing the Afghan Army to take over security in the country."

Look at that face. I don't know anyone on this planet who loves their job as much as he does.

... And I get to see that face in real life in front of my very eyes in a matter of DAYS. I really really really can't wait!

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