Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Army Calls it his "Final Destination"

After almost two full weeks of travel, Andrew finally made it to his final destination on Friday (28 Jan). I have been hating that term "final destination" these past few weeks, it always makes me think of those terrible horror movies, plus final sounds so... eternal. Nope. This isn't his final destination, he is at this FOB for the next year(ish). His temporary home, you might say.

For OPSEC (Operational Security) reasons, Andrew and I have decided (along with the Department of Defense and the United States Army) that it is best that I don't disclose which FOB he is at online. We do have his address though, so for any family or friends who are interested, please feel free to email me and I'll be happy to give it to you. Mom and I sent out our first two care packages yesterday filled with... wait a minute, I can't tell you whats in it! That would ruin the surprise for Andrew!

The best part about sending care packages to Afghanistan (or any APO for that matter) is that it is cheaper than sending a package almost anywhere in the United States. I spent a small fortune this summer sending care packages to Ranger School and household supplies to Louisville. It's definitely nice to know that I'll still be able to send some of the comforts of home without being worried about going completely broke!

Other than that big news, things around here have been pretty busy... and snowy. Not snowy like New Hampshire, but kind of worse because we get less snow but the roads are somehow worse. I'm getting lots of wedding planning done and after going back and forth on a million things this past week I think we have the major decisions made, which feels great. Hershey was lucky enough to host the AHL all-star game this year so this weekend was jam-packed with Hockey fun! All the mascots from the different teams were there and I was so excited to see Max- the Manchester Monarch (my hometown team). I told him I was from New Hampshire but he was less than pleased with my wardrobe choice:

We had a great weekend but definitely missed our soldier! Another full week down, though which feels amazing, plus it's the start of a brand new month which is always a welcomed happening when you're living through a deployment.

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