Thursday, May 19, 2011

Deployment Positive Thursday- Week 18

This post may end up holding the record for my shortest post ever, but I've got 3 days til the event in Florida and not a whole lotta spare time these days!

For no reason whatsoever, I checked an old email account this morning and found something waiting for me that Andrew had sent last week. I don't know why he sent it to that account, except for it is similar to my current email address and sometimes he gets confused.

Here is my solider! I think he said he is with a Polish Platoon and an American Platoon in this picture. Can you spot him?!? I think I know which one he is, but I'm not totally convinced that I'm right. High Five to the first person who can correctly identify him!

After this nightmare of a week at work, and a three-day long communication blackout, it is so great to have Andrew quote, unquote in my life again. I live for the little emails and "love you lots, girl"s he sends me, but this picture brought the biggest smile of all to my face.... even if it does kind of look like he lives on the moon...

It might seem a little weird to get so excited about a single picture where I may or may not be able to spot the face of my future husband, but I'll take what I can get these days! When you rely on emails and not a whole lot else to keep you going through the endless months of separations, a picture like that is enough to make your entire week a whole lot brighter.


  1. Standing in the back row...far left. Yes!!!! I win!!!!!

  2. P.S. I like that you said it looks like he lives on the moon. Ha ha!

  3. Shannon, you did win... originally I thought Michelle won cause she texted me at 7:30 but ou got it at 7:14!! Definitely the winner! Mom buzzed in at 9:50 and my grandmother also submitted an incorrect guess!

  4. You early birds!! I thought I was early at 9:50, but at least I recognized him although they seem to all look alike!!!!
