Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Day I have been Dreading for Years . . .

Well today was the day. I can't believe I am writing this post. Today was nothing short of miserable. I'll try to keep it quick, mainly because I'm emotionally and physically exhausted, but here goes nothing:

I changed my flight (for the 3rd or 4th time in 24 hours... honestly I lost count) again this morning til later in the day because I couldn't imagine dropping him off and then going to the airport knowing that he was just sitting alone at the COF when I could have been with him.

When I woke up this morning, I just felt happy to still be with Andrew. There was very little sadness in my morning at all actually. And absolutely not a single tear until about a half an hour before he boarded the bus. We just soaked up every last minute we had with each other and I will always be grateful for that time. We played lots of Monopoly on our iPods and just had great conversations. Since we got there a little late, we didn't have time to stop for breakfast so I ran out after bag drop and got some Tim Horton's (less fabulous version of Dunkins) for us to chow on while we waited. My coffee was definitely needed, as sleep was not very easy to come-by the night before. I only ate about half of my breakfast sandwich because I honestly had no appetite. Here we are in the COF about an hour before he left.

Bag Drop at 0900... we were running a little late, but oh well! We knew we would have 4+ hours to sit around and wait so we weren't too worried. 

1230- a sloppy formation after a long (and very cry-y) "see ya later" and a very smiley soldier! I miss this face already. All of the families were behind a barrier about 20 feet away from the soldiers.

Boarding the busses. This was without a doubt the single hardest moment of my life. I couldn't (and still can't) believe this would be my last glance at the love of my life for the next 6-8 months. 

After watching the busses drive away, I sat in my car and just let myself cry for a long time. I hate to say it, but I couldn't shake the thought of "a full year" from my brain. I hated it. He would miss so much. I would miss him so much. I started driving back to the apartment, and got so lost on post. It was miserable. Finally I found my way out but then went the wrong way on the highway back to the apartment. All together to get back to the highway should have taken no more than 10 minutes. Probably took me at least 30. Yikes! 

But plus-side: I found this awesome street sign!! (it says Olsen Crossway if you can't see it) Eventually I got back to the apartment (because of course in all the commotion this morning, I had forgotten if I locked the door or not on our way out, and I wanted to grab some last minute things) before heading to the airport. When I got there (obviously the door was locked) I turned off the circuit breakers for the laundry room and the range in the kitchen, grabbed my stuff and then got a call from my favorite ever college roommate! Amy called right when I needed her to, I love her so much! We had a long chat and she knew I just needed to talk it out and know that I had people supporting me and praying for us. She said all the right things, and really got me past a lot of my tears. (Love you, Ames!) I headed to the airport just after 2 for my 4:25 flight, but I was nervous because I had to return the rental car and I didn't know how long that would take. 

It didn't take too long, but I was still beyond depressed. As soon as I got through security, I still had just under 2 hours before we left so I sat down in one of those massager chairs, put 5 bucks in, and just sat and cried. I didn't care who saw me. I wrote a long email to Andrew saying all the things I forgot to say before he left. As we were boarding, I saw this little guy in my purse (no idea how it got there) that made me so happy but also so sad. Andrew had gotten these from Fort Benning a year or so ago and has one in his truck! I love it! The flight was uneventful, and I fought back tears the whole time. I just put my ipod on and wanted to fall asleep but being in a middle seat, I had no such luck. 

When I got back to BWI, I saw some devastating news- the Pats were down 7-3 at halftime. Don't want to talk about it. I got my bags from baggage claim and Andrew's mom picked me up. We both had a good cry- and a long hug as soon as we saw each other. We had a long drive ahead of us but it was good to just talk with her. We talked about everything under the sun and I could feel myself getting stronger and stronger as we talked. Mom has an amazing way of always making me feel better. We were both sad, but it's always better when we're together. We stopped for dinner (and I hate even mentioning this, we watched the Patriots end their own season- the cherry on top of a horrendous day) and then continued our drive home.

We got back around ten and I had mail waiting for me! I was so excited because I knew something very special just might be there; and I was right! Back story: Three years ago, on the night before I left to study in Italy (our first experience with the long-distance thing, and a trial run to see if military life could ever possibly work for us) Andrew gave me the most beautiful Claddagh Ring with my birthstone (sapphire) inside the heart. I wore it every day of my life (didn't even take it off in the shower) until about a month ago when the back snapped in two. I knew it was coming, but it was still a let down. We tired to have it fixed, but decided to have his cousin, Kelly, get me a new one in Ireland since she is studying there this semester! I so happy to see that it had gotten here a few days ago and I could not wait to see it! I ripped open the box and put it on and cried happy tears when it fit perfectly and it is an EXACT replica of my original ring! What a happy ending to such a hard day. 

I talked a little more with Andrew's parents and caught up on all the E-town happenings before calling it a night. I definitely am ready for some sleep and a shower at this point. But my cell phone ringer is on extra loud (even though I know I probably won't hear from Andrew for a couple of days) so I can hear it and it will wake me up no matter what. Let the days of bringing the phone to the bathroom with me begin again.....

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