Sunday, March 6, 2011

Our New Toy!

A few weeks ago, Andrew saw a deal on this awesome camera that we had had our eye on for a while so he sent me off to the mystical and far-away land of Costco to get it (this is when the money transfer woes from Citizens bank started up again). I was so excited to pick it up because two of his relatives have the same cameras and they take beautiful pictures! It's Andrew's second big purchase for us and for our married life (the first, of course, being my beautiful Engagement ring) and I get so excited thinking of all the places we will take it and all of the fabulous pictures we will take along our journey together.

Welp, life has gotten away from me recently and the camera and all of its accessories sat in my room, in a box for close to a month. I didn't even open the box a single time until earlier this week, and even that was just to appease Andrew when he kept asking me to make sure all the parts he paid for were there. But this afternoon, I sat down with this baby, and boy oh boy is it a cool camera! I didn't have any cool subjects to take pictures of today, so I was just messing around with the settings and different functions with things I found around here (including my favorite-ever gift; the ring!) So here goes nothing, my first shot at "serious" (yeah, right) photography! Can't wait to see what other kind of memories this amazing camera will capture!

My rings, a spare Helmet Strap, my wish hear-shaped stone that Mom gave me during Ranger School (from the Eat, Pray, Love store) to keep under my pillow, and my miniature ACU pillow (that serves more as a cuddle buddy than actual head support while sleeping)

Pay no attention to the late-night post; I've got a soldier to talk to in Afghanistan, people! When I'm struggling to stay awake at the wee hour of 0100, he is already done with breakfast and well into his day at work 1030. Can't believe we almost have two full months of this deployment behind us. What a great feeling that will be! 


  1. Love your have a year to try it out!! Great purchase AJ!!!

  2. Wonderful. :) Happy to share tips and tricks for that new camera of yours. ;) Enjoy!
