Monday, July 1, 2013

Deployment Positive Monday- Week 4

Woohoo! I finally got to my blog on a Monday! Huge step for me, apparently. 

This week I am so so thankful for amazing friends and family who keep me busy and occupied while Andrew is away. I love looking ahead to the coming months and seeing every single weekend for the next two months occupied with visitors or trips! Honestly, nothing could be more exciting to me!

It all started this weekend with my moms visit to town. We had a great time shopping and catching up! Oh... And I died my hair. It's dark. Like, really really brunette. I'm still not quite used to it yet, but Andrew seems to like the pictures he's seen of it. It's funny because less than a month after Andrew left for his first deployment I cut off about 8-10 inches of my hair. It was a huge change for me at the time, as I had had the same hair style for years before that. Now, a couple of weeks into this deployment I have another big hair change. Maybe it's just my way of coping with a big void in my life. 

It's not only the weekends I have to look forward to. Today after work a friend and I decided to hit the mall for dinner and shopping... Literally until we dropped. It's so nice to not have to rush home after work to an empty house every day. AND when I got home the little neighbor girls came knocking on my door and offered me fresh baked cupcakes--- funfetti with bright Barbie pink icing and sprinkles. Seriously a great end to my day and perfect beginning to the week and month that we celebrate our great nation's independence. Not too shabby at all. 

1 comment:

  1. I was looking for AJ's address. We sent him some packages last deployment and I would like to get some more to him. my email is


    PS: Keep Strong
