Thursday, November 10, 2011

Deployment Positive Thursday- Week 43

It just occurred to me that I could be down to single digits with DPTs I have left! WOW! If that's not a positive, I don't know what is.

For the time being though, I'm going to stick with my promise to let all of you out there in bloggie-ville get to re-live our amazing two week R&R through posts and pictures.

On the first Sunday that Andrew was home, I was finally confirmed as a member of the Catholic Church and took my first communion. As with everything else in my life, I had waited a long time for that special moment, but man, was it worth the wait. I can't even let myself imagine what it would have been like to take such a huge step in our joint faith without Andrew. It felt great to have him physically behind me as I was welcomed into our church.

It was so nice to have both of our families be a part of such a huge day for us! Other than the actual day Andrew returned home, it was definitely the most emotional day for me. Everything happened exactly as I had envisioned it, including the song "Come Back to Me", which I've had my heart set on being played at both my first communion and our wedding since the first time I heard it way back in March... remember?

I really want to take this opportunity to thank everybody who has been there for me during this process. The entire parish has been more than welcoming and accommodating to both Andrew and myself.
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1 comment:

  1. What a perfect day as we welcomed you into the church! Always remember God Is Good!! It was emotional for me as well, to see you become confirmed with the hand of our son on your shoulder, so proud ....what a beautiful way to start your marriage. With faith anything is possible and to be able to become one in your faith gives you such a special bond with each other and the Lord....God Bless You!
