Well, I'm back. Andrew's second deployment started yesterday and now I am just trying to adjust to life with him gone. I have decided to return to the blogging world while Andrew is away because I found it to be so therapeutic over the course of the last deployment.
Things are a little bit different for us this time around, so there will be a lot of adjusting in the coming weeks. First (and most importantly), this is the first time we are facing a deployment as a married couple. We all know how much I hated the word "fiance" while we were engaged, but now the fact that I have to say the words "my
husband is deployed" makes it sting just a little bit more. Also being a soldier's wife comes with more communication and information from the FRG (Family Readiness Group) at Fort Knox. Because of where we live, it is hard for me to be too involved with the FRG events going on on post, but it is nice to have the option to be a part of that support group.
Speaking of living arrangements, I have made the decision to say in Kentucky for the course of this deployment. I loved having the amazing Dolan support system last time Andrew was gone, and it's going to be so hard to go through this one without being able to share a glass of wine with Mom Dolan on a particularly taxing day, but it just feels like Kentucky is our home now. I have a great job here, which I love and amazing friends to keep me busy and I love returning to
our home each night after work... It definitely makes me feel like a part of Andrew is still here with me.
Perhaps the biggest difference with this deployment is the timeline. At this point in his career, Andrew is considered a "Senior Lieutenant" and he will be up for Captain within the next couple of months. We received some amazing news a couple of weeks ago that Andrew has been given the chance to go to Special Forces Assessment and Selection(SFAS, or also simply called "Selection"), a three week course in Fort Bragg, NC. If he gets picked up for selection, we will be moving to Fort Bragg for about 2 years where he will be training for Special Forces in the Q Course. We are excited about the next phase of our lives and his career, and even more excited that because of the spot he is at in his career, he will most likely be returning home from the deployment earlier than we had originally thought! Waiting until after the full deployment to go to Selection could push his timeline back so far that it more than likely would effect his chances of getting picked up for the Q Course.
Yesterday was a tough day, and for the first time I realized that no matter how many deployments we go through, X Day will always be miserable. There are so many emotions and your mind just goes to all the places you really
really don't want it to go. We spent about 3 hours waiting around for the busses, and said our "see ya laters" about a million times before it was finally time to go. I tried not to cry while he was still there, but who was I kidding... I was sending my best friend off to war for the second time in 3 years (and to make it hurt just a little bit more- he left exactly 17 months after his last homecoming) but thankfully I held the sobbing in until I was alone in the car.
I was lucky to have good friends spend the night at our place last night to keep me busy and happy. We ordered junk food and drank wine and watched friends, which was EXACTLY what I needed!
So the countdown is officially on. In the meantime, f you have any extra prayers to give be sure to send them our way!